[SOLVED] Free trail To Pro version

Hello, I am currently using the free trial version of Nuitrack in my Unity project, Now I want to buy the Pro version of Nuitrack for the same Unity Project. I want to know that after purchasing the pro version, how can I replace the free trial from the pro version in my Unity project.

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its the same SDK - when you activate your key it turns off the trial time


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Means I have to just add the license key in my project.

You dont add the key to your project.

You install the runtime version of nuitrack and run the activation module … that licences nuitrack for you computer or device - depending on which licence you are using.

And you need an active licence for any other computer you try to run it on.



Ok, I have to open up Nuitrack.exe located in \nuitrack\activation_tool, and clicking “Compatibility test" then enter my nuitrack pro licence key in it. After this my trial version will convert into pro version. Correct?

Yep thats the best way to manage it.


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Thanks man, Mission Accomplished!