Android setting of Nuitrack

hi. I’m making AR with Android right now.

I want to implement motion - especially hand tracking - in conjunction with ARCore.

However, when I try to run Android, Nuitrack Activity doesn’t activate for the first time, so the build doesn’t work either.

How do I set up my Android settings?
Also, it would be appreciated if you could tell me how to enable motion capture on Android.

Hi @yehwang,

What Android version and Android device do you have?

However, when I try to run Android, Nuitrack Activity doesn’t activate for the first time, so the build doesn’t work either.

Did I understand you correctly that Nuitrack.apk does not start the first time? Do you receive any error messages at the same time? Do subsequent starts occur correctly?

Looking forward to your response.

Hi @yehwang,

How are you? Has your issue been solved?
Would be great if you could provide some reply/feedback, we will be ready to help.