Background Segmentation with RsDevice and Nuitrack-Skeleton

I tried to combine the example project of Realsense “BackgroundSegmentation” with the Nuitrack skeleton in one project. But the project crashes every time, because the camera is probably accessed by the Prefab RsDevice and additionally by NuitrackPrefab. Is there a way to use Realsense’s RsDevice script in addition to NuitrackPrefab? The performance of the Background Segmentation is unbeatable with 400FPS and necessary for my project and finally for the decision if I will use Nuitrack in the future.


Hi Peter,

Unfortunately, at the moment it’s not possible to use both RsDevice and NuitrackPrefab at the same time. Please advise what for do you need to use RsDevice in your project? You can get the data from RealSense using NuitrackPrefab.