[Bug] Trying to access `NuitrackManager.Users.Current.RightHand.Proj` crashes unity


I am using Unity 2021.3.23f1, and version 36.0 of the Nuitrack SDK on Pop_OS, an Ubuntu Linux variant. (I’m restricted to v36.0 because 36.1 introduced a bug that crashes the Unity Linux runtime when Nuitrack tries to reidentify a skeleton.)

I just wanted to let you know that trying to access NuitrackManager.Users.Current.RightHand.Proj causes the Unity editor in play mode to crash completely, without leaving any error messages in Unity’s ~/.config/unity3d/Editor.log file, which makes me think something in the Nuitrack DLL is causing a segmentation fault.

To be clear–NuitrackManager.Users.Current.RightHand can be accessed just fine; it’s only the Proj member that causes the crash.

Thanks so much,

Hello @arcoppi
Try adding a check that the hand is not null

void Update()
    if(NuitrackManager.Users.Current != null)
        if(NuitrackManager.Users.Current.RightHand != null)