I am in the process of installing and testing out the Nuitrack software with an Orbbec Astra Pro. But when I turn on Object detection according to the manual below and try it out, I get the following error
Cannot load library module: C:program files/Nuitrack/middleware/NuitrackModuleGPU.dll
The manual:
# Nuitrack AI
**Nuitrack AI** is the new version of Nuitrack skeleton tracking middleware from 3DiVi based on deep learning. Unlike the previous version of Nuitrack, Nuitrack AI processes not only a depth stream but also an RGB stream from an RGBD sensor. In addition to [skeleton tracking](#nuitrack-ai-skeleton-tracking), Nuitrack AI can also track faces and [objects](#nuitrack-ai-object-detection).
* 360-degree tracking
* tracking of difficult poses (for example, tracking of a sitting or a lying person)
Nuitrack AI is available from the Nuitrack v0.33.0 release. You can use Nuitrack AI not only in native C++/C# applications, but also in projects built with Unity or Unreal Engine. There's no need to change the code if your application was made with the standard Nuitrack version: all you need to do is to enable the Nuitrack AI features in the `nuitrack.config` file (see the instructions in the sections below).
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<img width="480" src="img/nuitrack_ai_demo.gif">
## Nuitrack AI Skeleton Tracking
Nuitrack AI Skeleton Tracking is the Nuitrack AI feature that provides full body skeleton tracking (RGBD) based on deep learning.
* Supported platforms:
* Windows x64
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How can I fix this?
Hi @Tunahan
Sorry for the late reply.
Is CUDA 9.0 and cuDNN 7.6.5 installed on your system?
Hi @Tunahan
Has your issue been solved?