Compatibility of the latest Nuitrack runtime and SDK versions

Nuitrack SDK v1.8.0 requires Nuitrack runtime v0.33.0 (see the information in CHANGELOG).
Download Nuitrack SDK v1.8.0 and Nuitrack runtime v0.33.0 here.

Nuitrack SDK v1.7.0 is compatible with Nuitrack runtime >= v0.32.0.
Download Nuitrack SDK v1.7.0 and Nuitrack runtime v0.32.0 here.

If you’re running your Unity project with the Nuitrack runtime >= v0.33.0 and see the following exception:

NuitrackException (TerminateException): WARNING: Cannot load library module: C:\Program Files\Nuitrack\nuitrack\nuitrack/middleware/NuitrackModule.dll
ERROR: TBB version mismatch: runtime library version is 9102, but the application was compiled with the 11102 version!

follow the steps below (refer to the Intel® Threading Building Blocks documentation for more details):

  • close the Unity editor;
  • replace the TBB library in your Unity editor with the library from Nuitrack:
    • Windows : copy the tbb.dll library from %NUITRACK_HOME%/bin to your Unity editor folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.4.8f1\Editor );
    • Linux : copy the library from /usr/local/lib/nuitrack/ to your Unity editor folders (for example, /home/user/2019.3.3f1/Editor and /home/user/2019.3.3f1/Editor/Data/Tools );
  • run the Unity editor again.

Running this line in a Windows administrator command prompt will fix all Unity versions

FORFILES /S /P "C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor" /M tbb.dll /C "cmd /c copy \"C:\Program Files\Nuitrack\nuitrack\nuitrack\bin\tbb.dll\" @path"