Is it possible to record a video or .csv file and use the Unreal plugin with the recorded data instead of the real-time stream? It would be great for development.
Is it possible to record a video or .csv file and use the Unreal plugin with the recorded data instead of the real-time stream? It would be great for development.
Hello @gabor Sorry for late reply
Could you describe your case in more detail, how you would like to use the recording to develop your project. (do you need RGB\Depth frames, or will the positions\orientations of the joints be enough, etc.)
Hello Stepan,
Ideally, I would benefit from recording RGB/Depth frames and skeleton data. I believe that recording the RGB and Depth frames and then performing skeleton tracking on these recordings, rather than relying on a real-time camera stream, would be a suitable approach.
I work with dancers, and my intention is to record their movements during rehearsals. This recorded data would then be utilized in the subsequent development phase. Even during the regular development process, this approach offers greater convenience as it eliminates the need to repeatedly stand up and test the results after each code modification.