Distribution license


I don’t fully get your licensing model for distributing apps with your content. If I e.g. develop and sell a game using Nuitrack, would I need to buy a Nuitrack AI license for every copy of the game sold?

Hi @bluecipher,

Sorry for a delayed reply.
The Nuitrack license is linked to the sensor, so you will need one license for each sensor.
Is there anything else I can help you with?

Hi @bluecipher, actually we have different/custom licensing options, such as Unlimited platform/sensor-specific licenses. That’s what Nuitrack Enterprise option on our site is for. If you have some specific demand/use-case, please feel free to contact us directly (through a feedback form).

If I e.g. develop and sell a game using Nuitrack, would I need to buy a Nuitrack AI license for every copy of the game sold

Mainstream Nuitrack licenses indeed work as you described, as they are bound in one way or another to the particular depth sensor (Nuitrack Subscription could be freely migrated between depth sensors).

Hi @bluecipher,

How are you? Has your issue been solved?
Would be great if you could provide some reply/feedback, we will be ready to help.

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