Frame rate drops, freezes and lags occur with the Unreal plugin


I’m using the Nuitrack Unreal plugin to detect user body shape and to track user’s hands. It works mostly but it seems to lose performances quickly, the frame rate of the user texture drops, the tracking is getting lost. I noticed that calling the node “Stop Nuitrack” doesn’t shutdown the Kinect camera light, but I’m not sure if this has an impact on performances.

I’m using the legacy tracking detection method, blueprints are getting the user hands position of one user, and there is one vfx that uses the user body ID texture (with custom color array). The project is running with Unreal 5.4

The Nuitrack demo app works smoothly, the Kinect Studio preview also, other tools seems fine. I’m wondering if this issue with the Unreal plugin has been experienced by other users before? And if there is anything that can be done to fix the performances?


Hello @neon
Have you tried HandTracker sample? (Plugins/NuitrackPlugin/Content/Samples/HandTracker/Level/HandTracker.umap)