I’ve been using Intel RealSense 415 and calling Nuitrack.GetDeviceList() would return me the sensor correctly.
Now I switched to Orbbec Gemini 2 and calling the same function, returns me an empty array.
Hello @irakli
Yes I have VC++ redist 2015+ installed. I am using the latest Nuitrack for windows (v0.38.2) and Unity package SDK (v0.38.0) available.
The sensor does appear in the Nuitrack.exe device list.
But calling the SDK function Nuitrack.GetDeviceList() returns an empty array. (Only when we use Gemini 2)
@irakli I built and ran the example and the Gemini 2 was found without any problem.
In Unity I just call Nuitrack.GetDeviceList() in a scene’s script “Update()” to log and the problem happens (just with Gemini2 device list count is “0”, with IntelRealSense D415 is “1”).
I did some tests and I realised that if I run a scene without NuitrackScripts prefab (so, NuitrackManager not initialised), the Nuitrack.GetDeviceList() works correctly, logging a “1” with Gemini2. But when the scene has NuitrackScripts prefab, it logs a “0”. While if I use the RealSense, it does not affect if the prefab is in the scene, it always logs “1”.
With Gemini 2 connected and without NuitrackScripts prefab in the scene:
With Gemini 2 connected and with NuitrackScripts prefab in the scene
Getting a list of devices in Update is not guaranteed, but you can try this method. (In this case, the list of devices received when Nuitrack was launched will be returned.)