How to make the avatar crouch just like real time user posture Orbbec Astra 2

I have Orbbec Astra 2 sensor and i am using NuitrackAvatar.cs for Avatar movement etc. When i disable alignStraightLegs the avatar detects all the motions but the issue is the waist is static at one point and the legs go towards the waist instead of waist going towards the legs. I have checked and changed everything but can’t find the right options to implement it. I need some guidance regarding it as even if it is possible or not.

Hello @Salman

It looks like a problem with the hierarchy of bones in the model.

Try opening the stage and check how the avatars work there (MannequinDirect and MannequinIndirect). Does the same problem appear?


Thank you @Stepan.Reuk for the response. This issue is likely resolved but I have a platform on which avatar is standing. I can’t make the avatar to keep at one position in y direction. Like when i sit down the avatar sits but also move the whole avatar in the y direction and goes in the platform. It should be like the avatar make the sit pose and be there. I have passed sensor space transform too but the issue doesn’t resolve.

Maybe it’s easier to make the avatar a child of the platform?

@Stepan.Reuk Thank you for sharing the video. Yes my avatar is also child of the platform, the issue is not the movement of the platform but it is the stability of the avatar. In the video you shared the avatar is way much stable than what i am experiencing. As when i sit down the avatar sits but also moves on the y axis downward.

If you start the AllModulesScene scene and choose an avatar instead of a skeleton will it work stably?

Also check nuitrack-sdk/doc/ at master · 3DiVi/nuitrack-sdk · GitHub

If the problem still persists, please send a minimally reproducible sample (or at least a video that clearly shows the problem).

@Stepan.Reuk Thank you. Yes now i checked that and things are a little smoother now. But there is a problem even in the video you shared that the feet sometimes starts glitching. Like rotating abnormally for a split second the feet rotates and goes back to normal.

If everything is fine with the environment, then in order to minimize the number of sudden turns, you can try changing the value of “Smooth Move” (it will smooth out all movements), and try to select “Align straight legs” (legs should not turn over in a perfectly straight position).

@Stepan.Reuk Yes align straight legs does that but it makes complications when user try to sit down or crouch then it sometimes doesn’t detect the bones and make the legs straight again which is kind of awkward. This is the only reason i am not using align straight legs

@Salman How are things going with your project?
I also want to inform you that you can try the AI mode (“AI” option in NuitrackManager component). We usually do not recommend using it in 3D cases. But our experiments have shown that in conjunction with the Astra 2, it shows good results.

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