Intel D435 Color Camera Sharpness

Any clue how can I sharpen the image of the D435 color camera ?
There is a variable called “Sharpness” in official Intel SDK which may sharpen the color image to a acceptable level. DO we have the same variable in .config ???

Unfortunately, this option is not available in nuitrack.config file and Nuitrack API.

Your best starting options are to look at the

Nuitrack::setConfigValue("Realsense2Module.RGB.RawWidth", "1920");
Nuitrack::setConfigValue("Realsense2Module.RGB.RawHeight", "1080");
Nuitrack::setConfigValue("Realsense2Module.RGB.ProcessWidth", "1920");
Nuitrack::setConfigValue("Realsense2Module.RGB.ProcessHeight", "1080");
Nuitrack::setConfigValue("Realsense2Module.RGB.FPS", "30");

The internal defaults reduce the resolution down - this will give you a sharper default image.


Hello Westa please, these methods where are they entered?

They are entered either in your source code - that was c++
as keys in your nuitrack.config

"Realsense2Module": {
    "DeviceHardwareReset": false, 
    "Depth": {
        "FPS": 30,
        "ProcessMaxDepth": 5000, 
        "RawWidth": 1280,
        "RawHeight": 720,
        "ProcessWidth": 1280, 
        "ProcessHeight": 720, 
        "Preset": 5, 
        "PostProcessing": {
            "SpatialFilter": {
                "spatial_iter": 0, 
                "spatial_alpha": 0.5, 
                "spatial_delta": 20
            "DownsampleFactor": 1
        "LaserPower": 1.0
    "FileRecord": "", 
    "RGB": {
        "FPS": 30,
        "RawWidth": 1920,
        "RawHeight": 1080,
        "ProcessWidth": 1920, 
        "ProcessHeight": 1080
    "AlignTo": "none"
