Intel RealSense D435 with Nuitrack in Unity

Hi, I’m totally new in the skeleton tracking field and I’m looking for some guides on how to get the x,y,z coordinates from the skeleton images.
I have purchased the perpetual license (Nuitrack Pro) and an Intel Realsense D435 with me.
My project is to scan and detect the participants who will carry out different postures. I have to use the camera to get their joint coordinates (x y and z) and calculate velocity and acceleration at different joints.
Can I just use the unity tutorial in the NuitrackSDK? Sorry if the question is too simple.

Hi Yeo Kar Lok,

Yes, you can check out our Unity tutorials, for example, Creating your First Unity Project using Nuitrack SDK.


In Unity I want to use RealSense D435 ARBackground (from their package) along with skeleton tracking from Nuitrack - I need to display orthesis/prothesis on top of a patient. How can I use them together? If RealSense RsDevice script is active and I activate NuitrackManager.cs the nuitrack.Nuitrack.Run(); causes crash…

Best regards,


Please provide us with the output.

Try to remove the object with the RsDevice.cs component from the scene.

Disabling or removing RsDevice.cs from scene results in correct initializing of Nuitrack skeleton tracking, but at the same time I don’t see the ARBackground and i need to use them both to display 3D object on a tracked person (with shadowing and so on). Is there a way to do it?

If you need an RGB background from the sensor, then you can use the solution from NuitrckSDK, which is described in detail in this tutorial.

Ok, but that solution bases on creating 2D skeleton in canvas and I would like to have skeleton in 3d with realsense ARbackgorund. The skeleton should be like in RiggedModel2 example scene, but with AR background…

In this case, you have to modify RsDevice.cs in such a way as to get rid of conflicts with Nuitrack.
You can try to change the data provider for the skeleton from RealSenceSDK to Nuitrack in RsDevice.cs (with alignment of AR and the Nuitrack skeleton), then the external behavior of the script will remain the same.

Do You have idea what should I modify? Which lines?

For more information, you can refer to the scripts from the RealSense SDK:

Hello !. Unity crash when I play nuitrack scripts

Please advise:

  1. What is your Unity version?
  2. What Nuitrack version do you use? It’s displayed at the bottom of the activation tool window.
  3. What is your sensor?
  4. What is your OS (+ build)?
  • Please check standard Nuitrack samples (for example, “nuitrack_sample” from %NUITRACK_HOME%/bin). Do they work?
  • Please describe the crash in more detail. If possible, send us the logs and screenshots.