Methods to get ColorSensor status?


I am developing some RGB application. Is there something like colorSensor.getStatus() in unity to know if the rgb camera is working properly, for example, whether the camera is not started or is broken.

You can use nuitrack.Nuitrack.onIssueUpdateEvent

nuitrack.Nuitrack.onIssueUpdateEvent + = NoConnectionIssue;
void NoConnectionIssue (nuitrack.issues.IssuesData issData)
if (issData.GetIssue <nuitrack.issues.SensorIssue> ()! = null)
// Houston, we have a problem
// Good

An example can be found in the SensorDisconnectChecker.cs script (it’s in the SDK)Also in nuitrack.issues there are [FrameBorderIssue, IssuesData, OcclusionIssue, SensorIssue], see the documentation for more info: