Minimal human height for tracking

What is minimal human height for full body tracking. Which sensor is better for tracking child’s body as well as an adult’s?
We want to make a software for counting squats with Nuitrack sdk and Windows based PC. For now we have Kinect v2 for tests, but we know that it has limitations of minimal height in 100cm.
Thanks in advance!

Hi @tetiana_rob,

What is minimal human height for full body tracking.

Tracking quality depends on the angular size of a person in the frame (or on a number of pixels if the resolution is fixed). Working tracking distance for children with a height of 130cm or higher (at least ~6-7 years) is about up to 3 meters. If you need to track children of a lower height, the tracking distance should be less than 3 meters. We recommend you use the trial license to check your use case.

Which sensor is better for tracking child’s body as well as an adult’s?

I can give you a general recommendation on this question. The Skeleton tracking quality directly depends on the quality depth channel of the RGBD-sensor. The best skeleton tracking quality is provided on Kinect v1/v2/ Azure, Asus Xtion 1, and Orbbec Astra.

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