[NEW] VicoVR SDK v1.2

We are glad to inform you that we have released a new version of VicoVR SDK!

SDK Download link: vicovr.com/download/VicoVRSDK.v1.2.zip
SDK Download link for Unreal Engine: vicovr.com/download/VicoVRUE4SDK.v.1.2.zip

VicoVR application can be installed through VicoVR Store: vicovr.com/download/apk/VicoVRStore.apk

VicoVR app also available in Google Play Alpha testing. We recommend to use Google Play version of VicoVR app instead of one from archive.
Steps to download VicoVR app:

  1. Join community on G+ plus.google.com/communities/111 … 7865742131
  2. Agree to alpha test VicoVR app here: play.google.com/apps/testing/com.vicovr.manager
  3. After 5-10 minutes application will be available in Google Play: play.google.com/store/apps/deta … vr.manager

Release notes:

  • Important: Modules creation changed since SDK v1.2. You need to use ModuleName.Create() instead of new ModuleName().
  • New feature: Issue Tracker. You can warn user about close proximity to field of view borders of sensor. Also, you can warn about possible user occlusions.
  • Skeletal Tracking and Hand Tracking quality improved.

Don’t forget to update sensor firmware using VicoVR app: VicoVR app -> Settings-> Firmware Update -> UPDATE