Nuitrack Linux Drivers and Missing files in the .deb

Hello Mr/Mrs,

According to one user in the forum, to install the ROS node I need the Nuitrack Linux
Drivers. Where can I find those drivers? This user stated that they are not the
Nuitrack SDK so I am a bit confused. Where did you offer the Linux
drivers? I could not find them on your website either the documentation
page. I am using an Orbbec camera and I neither could find anything related to Nuitrack on their website.

Additionally, I also discovered that the “nuitrack-ubuntu-amd64.deb” file that you provide in “” and for the AMD64 trial version of the Nuitrack SDK does not include any heading files (Nuitrack.h) either some .so files that should be included in a folder called “linux64”. This may be the main reason why I cannot install the trial version and I am getting so many errors when following the instructions for the Ubuntu terminal.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully


Hi Daniel,

Actually, “Linux drivers” are the .deb package that you’ve mentioned. You can find the required headers in Nuitrack SDK:

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Hello, again.

I managed to make a ROS node provided here for the nuitrack body tracking. The camera is working and the catkin_make compiles but when launching the launch file I get the same error:

Usage: nuitrack_console_sample [path/to/nuitrack.config]
WARNING: Can not load library module: /usr/etc/nuitrack/middleware/
ERROR: Empty factory for DepthProvider
Can not initialize Nuitrack (ExceptionType: 2)

The same appears when I just run the sample by doing:


Perhaps, I am missing a step in the installation of the NuitrackSDK. After installing the drivers, I extracted the and put it in the home directory. What could be missing?

I am a bit lost. Could you help me with this.

All the best,


I am also seeing that no nuitrack.config has been generated by installing “nuitrack-ubuntu-amd64.deb” with dpkg -i. I hope that helps seeing the possible problem.