Nuitrack - Real-time body tracking plugin and MetaHuman

Hello everyone! I would like to know how to link a metahuman with Nuitrack - Real-time body tracking which I have installed on my ue5.4.
I can successfully animate your BP_AvatarMannequinBluprint with my Kinect 2.0, but when it comes to trying it on a metahuman, I can’t find a complete procedure.
I tried this link: [Announcement] Nuitrack Unreal Engine 5 Plugin - #7 by irakli but I can’t reproduce this on the metahuman. Do you have a tutorial or another update link?
Thanks in advance for your help!

Hello @Okynomy

Unfortunately, there is currently no full example or description for working with metahuman, but we have seen that someone has already used them with our plugin. Theoretically, this instruction should be suitable for all skeletal meshes.

We can also add example\instruction specifically for metahuman, for this you can fill out this form Share your opinion

Hi Stepan, thanks for your reply. I would love to have a tutorial from you about this specific case.
I would gladly participate if you need a beta tester for this tutorial!
Let me know

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