I tried to compile the nuitrack_console_example on a fresh Ubuntu 18.04.
The program tries to link against libopencv_core.so.2.4, libbluetooth.so.3, which are both not available in the ubuntu index. Does anyone have experience in setting up under 18.04?
I found the mistake (was a bit too quick) … I used a shell where the environment variables from /etc/profile.d/nuitrack_env.sh were not sourced yet.
However, no I run into the problem when running the application
Usage: nuitrack_console_sample [path/to/nuitrack.config]
WARNING: Can not load library module: /usr/etc/nuitrack/middleware/libNuitrackModule.so
ERROR: Empty factory for DepthProvider
Can not initialize Nuitrack (ExceptionType: 2)
When I check the .so file with ldd, I see that libpng12.so.0 is required. The installation page states to install the libpng12-0 package on 18.04 which does not exist.