Nuitrack Skeletonization Type CNN_HPE Crashes


I am running Nuitrack version 0.36.9, on a Ubuntu system (v20.04.5) with sensor Intel RealSense D435.
And when i try running tracking with Skeletonization Type CNN_HPE i.e AI Skeleton Tracking it crashes with this output:
Custom segmentation (box cutter): ON
bad err=45 in Xbyak::Error

It does not crash if i use RegressionSkeletonization type.
It has work before, on other computers with the same operating system, the same sensor and the same nuitrack version.

Any help would be appreciated

Hi @PhilipOryx,

Сould you please send us your nuitrack.config file (and any setConfig calls from your code, if there are any)?

Hi @vadim.bazhin,

The only value we set from code is:

tdv::nuitrack::Nuitrack::setConfigValue("Reidentification.ToUse", "true");

here is the nuitrack.config file we use for AI Skeleton Tracking :

    "Network": {
        "ProxyUrl": ""
    "KinectV2": {
        "Color": {
            "RawHeight": 1080,
            "RawWidth": 1920
        "Depth": {
            "RawHeight": 424,
            "RawWidth": 512
    "GestureRecognition": {
        "WavingEnabled": true
    "StructureDepthProvider": {
        "ColorCameraSettings": {
            "CameraPosition": "back"
        "SensorSettings": {
            "DepthHeight": 480,
            "DepthWidth": 640
    "MovingSensor": {
        "VocabFilePath": "MovingSensor/orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2",
        "ToUse": false
    "Skeletonization": {
        "AutoTracking": true,
        "FeedbackThreshold": 0.1,
        "Type": "CNN_HPE",
        "CnnHPE": {
            "Filter": {
                "ThreshHold": {
                    "MaxDisplacement": 500,
                    "SmoothCameraJointVelocity": false,
                    "MinDisplacement": 20
        "ActiveUsers": 2,
        "MaxDistance": 2000
    "DepthProviderAdapter": {
        "Library": ""
    "StateDumper": {
        "Directory": "",
        "ToUse": false,
        "LengthInSeconds": 15
    "CPU": {
        "MaxLoad": -1.0
    "HandTracker": {
        "WristGrabDetector": {
            "TrainedClassificator": "handtracker/svm_grab.xml"
        "HandMode": "grab3d",
        "HandPointerFrame": {
            "DistanceBetweenFrames": 150.0,
            "Width": 450.0,
            "Height": 200.0
        "GrabDetector": "WristGrabDetector",
        "SkeletonSupport": true,
        "SkeletonForearmTracker": {
            "BottomPlane": {
                "Usage": false,
                "centralPoint": [
                "maxY": 0,
                "normal": [
        "CoordsMode": "abs",
        "CNNGrabDetector": {
            "InputShape": [
            "PathToModel": "handtracker/testout12.pb"
    "CnnDetectionModule": {
        "meanPixel": 128.0,
        "ResizeMode": "pad",
        "ToUse": false,
        "InputSize": {
            "width": 640,
            "height": 384
        "per_sample_mode": true,
        "MinConfidence": 0.2,
        "Classes": [
        "stdPixel": 33.0
    "RGBMarkEstimator": {
        "MarkerWidth": 105,
        "MarkerHeight": 62,
        "Precision": 0.5,
        "DebugLevel": 1
    "FrameDumpDepthProvider": {
        "Directory": "",
        "ToUse": false
    "AstraProPerseeDepthProvider": {
        "POSIX": {
            "PID": "0x0501",
            "VID": "0x2bc5"
        "CameraID": 0
    "AzureKinectDepthProviderModule": {},
    "DepthProvider": {
        "RotateAngle": "0",
        "RGB": "Auto",
        "Depth2ColorRegistration": true,
        "Mirror": false
    "CnnDetectionModel": {
        "keypointsClasses": [
        "keypointsNames": [
        "InterParallelismThreads": -1,
        "IntraParallelismThreads": -1,
        "PathToModel": "CnnDetector/TFCnnDetector/model_description.bin"
    "Settings": {
        "Multiplexing": true,
        "MapResolutionX": 480,
        "ServerMAC": "",
        "Autocalibration": true,
        "ServerName": "",
        "hfov": 1.3176,
        "DepthMapSmoothing": false,
        "AdvancedConnect": true,
        "LatencyEvents": false,
        "MapResolutionY": 640,
        "Mode": "WF",
        "AdvancedStreaming": true,
        "SkeletonSmoothing": false,
        "PredictionInterval": 0,
        "IPAddress": ""
    "Segmentation": {
        "skipFrames": 0,
        "ToUse": true,
        "FloorMaxError": 100,
        "Type": "experimental",
        "ZPS": 575.816,
        "median": 0,
        "RotationOY": 0,
        "minHumanTTL": 0,
        "Pixelization": 0,
        "FloorDetector": "AdaptiveFloorDetector",
        "MOTION_THRESHOLD": 1,
        "Background": {
            "BackgroundMode": "dynamic"
        "MAX_DISTANCE": 7000,
        "RotationOX": 0,
        "TOFHacks": false,
        "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
        "MIN_CHECK_DISTANCE": 500
    "Filter": {
        "DummyFilter": {},
        "Kinematic": {
            "SkeletonFile": "skeleton.xml",
            "LimitsBone": "skeleton_limits.xml",
            "CfgFile": "kinematic_filter.xml",
            "Loader": "XMLSkeletonLoader"
        "CombinationFilter": [
                "DummyFilter": {}
                "Kinematic": {
                    "SkeletonFile": "skeleton.xml",
                    "LimitsBone": "skeleton_limits.xml",
                    "CfgFile": "kinematic_filter.xml",
                    "Loader": "XMLSkeletonLoader"
        "AlphaBeta": {
            "Alpha": 0.5,
            "Beta": 0.5
        "Median": {
            "HistorySize": 5
        "FABRIK": {
            "SkeletonFile": "FABRIKSkeleton.xml"
        "ThreshHold": {
            "MaxDisplacement": 10000,
            "MinDisplacement": 20
    "DynamicModules": {
        "Path": "../middleware/",
        "Modules": [
        "WModules": [
    "DaemonSettings": {
        "NewHumanEndpoint": "localhost:8081/onNewHuman",
        "LostHumanEndpoint": "localhost:8081/onLostHuman"
    "Faces": {
        "ToUse": false
    "Realsense2Module": {
        "DeviceHardwareReset": false,
        "Depth": {
            "ProcessWidth": 640,
            "ProcessHeight": 480,
            "ProcessMaxDepth": 2100
        "FileRecord": "",
        "RGB": {
            "ProcessWidth": 640,
            "ProcessHeight": 480
        "AlignTo": "none"
    "OrbbecSDKDepthProviderModule": {
        "Depth": {
            "ProcessWidth": 640,
            "ProcessHeight": 480
        "SoftwareFilter": false,
        "RGB": {
            "ProcessWidth": 640,
            "ProcessHeight": 480
        "Exposure": {
            "ToUse": false
    "StaticModuleLoader": [],
    "OpenNIModule": {
        "FileRecord": ""
    "Orientation": {
        "GlobalUp": {},
        "TPose": {}
    "RegressionSkeletonization": {
        "Orientation": {
            "Dummy": {}
        "CNN_RGB": {},
        "Filter": {
            "CombinationFilter": [
                    "ThreshHold": {
                        "MaxDisplacement": 200,
                        "SmoothCameraJointVelocity": false,
                        "MinDisplacement": 15
                    "FABRIK": {
                        "PalmsAlignment": true,
                        "FixedHeight": 1700,
                        "HeightAlgorithm": "old",
                        "SkeletonFile": "FABRIKSkeleton.xml"
                    "Confidence": {
                        "ConfidenceThreshold": 0.5,
                        "CorrectHandsConfidence": true
        "CNN_RGB_Depth": {
            "Threshold": 0.3
        "PoseOptimization": {
            "OptimizationParams": {
                "RegressionClouds": {
                    "EMOptimizer": {
                        "Tolerance": 0.005,
                        "Iterations": 1
                    "Solver": {
                        "max_num_iteration": 20,
                        "function_tolerance": 0.008,
                        "gradient_tolerance": 1e-06,
                        "parameter_tolerance": 0.0008
            "Terms": {
                "DepthEnergyFunction": {
                    "Enable": false,
                    "Iterations": {
                        "To": 2,
                        "From": 1
                    "Weight": 1000
                "IntersectionEnergyFunction": {
                    "Enable": false,
                    "Iterations": {
                        "To": 4,
                        "From": 2
                    "Weight": 5000
                "WeightsEnergyFunction": {
                    "Enable": false,
                    "Iterations": {
                        "To": 4,
                        "From": 0
                    "Weight": 1.0
                "FieldEnergyFunction": {
                    "Enable": false,
                    "Iterations": {
                        "To": 4,
                        "From": 2
                    "Weight": 1
                "DepthConsistencyEnergyFunction": {
                    "Enable": false,
                    "Iterations": {
                        "To": 4,
                        "From": 2
                    "Weight": 5000
                "EnergyFunction": {
                    "Enable": true,
                    "Iterations": {
                        "To": 1,
                        "From": 0
                    "Weight": 1.0
            "SkeletonFile": "poseoptimization/skeleton.xml"
        "Type": "Regression",
        "Regression": {
            "Stat": "trees_stat",
            "Scale": 0.5,
            "MaxHeightScale": 1.4,
            "UseGPU": false,
            "MinHeightScale": 0.85,
            "Tree": "trees.bin",
            "StatBase": "regStat",
            "ClassesCount": 32,
            "Bodyparts": "bodyparts.xml",
            "TreeNormCoef": 4000,
            "MeanHeight": 1700,
            "NormCoef": 4000,
            "PredictType": "base"
    "LicenseFile": "../license.json",
    "Reidentification": {
        "ToUse": false
    "DefaultModules": {
        "DepthProvider": "DepthProviderManager"

Hi @PhilipOryx,

Please try to use this config, does it solve your problem?

    "Network": {
        "ProxyUrl": ""
    "KinectV2": {
        "Color": {
            "RawHeight": 1080, 
            "RawWidth": 1920
        "Depth": {
            "RawHeight": 424, 
            "RawWidth": 512
    "GestureRecognition": {
        "WavingEnabled": true
    "StructureDepthProvider": {
        "ColorCameraSettings": {
            "CameraPosition": "back"
        "SensorSettings": {
            "DepthHeight": 480, 
            "DepthWidth": 640
    "MovingSensor": {
        "VocabFilePath": "MovingSensor/orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2", 
        "ToUse": false
    "Skeletonization": {
        "AutoTracking": true, 
        "FeedbackThreshold": 0.1, 
        "Type": "CNN_HPE", 
        "CnnHPE": {
            "Filter": {
                "ThreshHold": {
                    "MaxDisplacement": 200, 
                    "SmoothCameraJointVelocity": false, 
                    "MinDisplacement": 30
        "ActiveUsers": 2, 
        "Debug": false, 
        "MaxDistance": 2000
    "DepthProviderAdapter": {
        "Library": ""
    "StateDumper": {
        "Directory": "", 
        "ToUse": false, 
        "LengthInSeconds": 15
    "CPU": {
        "MaxLoad": -1.0
    "HandTracker": {
        "WristGrabDetector": {
            "TrainedClassificator": "handtracker/svm_grab.xml"
        "HandMode": "grab3d", 
        "HandPointerFrame": {
            "DistanceBetweenFrames": 150.0, 
            "Width": 450.0, 
            "Height": 200.0
        "GrabDetector": "WristGrabDetector", 
        "SkeletonSupport": true, 
        "SkeletonForearmTracker": {
            "BottomPlane": {
                "Usage": false, 
                "centralPoint": [
                "maxY": 0, 
                "normal": [
        "CoordsMode": "abs", 
        "CNNGrabDetector": {
            "InputShape": [
            "PathToModel": "handtracker/testout12.pb"
    "CnnDetectionModule": {
        "meanPixel": 128.0, 
        "ResizeMode": "pad", 
        "ToUse": false, 
        "InputSize": {
            "width": 640, 
            "height": 384
        "per_sample_mode": true, 
        "MinConfidence": 0.2, 
        "Classes": [
        "stdPixel": 33.0
    "RGBMarkEstimator": {
        "MarkerWidth": 105, 
        "MarkerHeight": 62, 
        "Precision": 0.5, 
        "DebugLevel": 1
    "FrameDumpDepthProvider": {
        "Directory": "", 
        "ToUse": false
    "AstraProPerseeDepthProvider": {
        "POSIX": {
            "PID": "0x0501", 
            "VID": "0x2bc5"
        "CameraID": 0
    "AzureKinectDepthProviderModule": {}, 
    "DepthProvider": {
        "RotateAngle": "0", 
        "RGB": "Auto", 
        "Depth2ColorRegistration": true, 
        "Mirror": false
    "CnnDetectionModel": {
        "keypointsClasses": [
        "keypointsNames": [
        "InterParallelismThreads": -1, 
        "IntraParallelismThreads": -1, 
        "PathToModel": "CnnDetector/TFCnnDetector/model_description.bin"
    "Settings": {
        "Multiplexing": true, 
        "MapResolutionX": 480, 
        "ServerMAC": "", 
        "Autocalibration": true, 
        "ServerName": "", 
        "hfov": 1.3176, 
        "DepthMapSmoothing": false, 
        "AdvancedConnect": true, 
        "LatencyEvents": false, 
        "MapResolutionY": 640, 
        "Mode": "WF", 
        "AdvancedStreaming": true, 
        "SkeletonSmoothing": false, 
        "PredictionInterval": 0, 
        "IPAddress": ""
    "Segmentation": {
        "skipFrames": 0, 
        "ToUse": true, 
        "FloorMaxError": 100, 
        "Type": "experimental", 
        "ZPS": 575.816, 
        "median": 0, 
        "RotationOY": 0, 
        "minHumanTTL": 0, 
        "Pixelization": 0, 
        "FloorDetector": "AdaptiveFloorDetector", 
        "MOTION_THRESHOLD": 1, 
        "Background": {
            "BackgroundMode": "dynamic"
        "MAX_DISTANCE": 7000, 
        "RotationOX": 0, 
        "TOFHacks": false, 
        "ScaleFactor": 1.0, 
        "MIN_CHECK_DISTANCE": 500
    "Filter": {
        "DummyFilter": {}, 
        "Kinematic": {
            "SkeletonFile": "skeleton.xml", 
            "LimitsBone": "skeleton_limits.xml", 
            "CfgFile": "kinematic_filter.xml", 
            "Loader": "XMLSkeletonLoader"
        "CombinationFilter": [
                "DummyFilter": {}
                "Kinematic": {
                    "SkeletonFile": "skeleton.xml", 
                    "LimitsBone": "skeleton_limits.xml", 
                    "CfgFile": "kinematic_filter.xml", 
                    "Loader": "XMLSkeletonLoader"
        "AlphaBeta": {
            "Alpha": 0.5, 
            "Beta": 0.5
        "Median": {
            "HistorySize": 5
        "FABRIK": {
            "SkeletonFile": "FABRIKSkeleton.xml"
        "ThreshHold": {
            "MaxDisplacement": 10000, 
            "MinDisplacement": 20
    "WorkaroundsAPI": {
        "ConvertCoordsWithSensorParams": false
    "DynamicModules": {
        "Path": "../middleware/", 
        "Modules": [
        "WModules": [
    "DaemonSettings": {
        "NewHumanEndpoint": "localhost:8081/onNewHuman", 
        "LostHumanEndpoint": "localhost:8081/onLostHuman"
    "Faces": {
        "ToUse": false
    "Realsense2Module": {
        "DeviceHardwareReset": false, 
        "Depth": {
            "ProcessWidth": 640, 
            "ProcessHeight": 480, 
            "ProcessMaxDepth": 2100
        "FileRecord": "", 
        "RGB": {
            "ProcessWidth": 640, 
            "ProcessHeight": 480
        "AlignTo": "none"
    "OrbbecSDKDepthProviderModule": {
        "Depth": {
            "ProcessWidth": 640, 
            "ProcessHeight": 480
        "SoftwareFilter": false, 
        "RGB": {
            "ProcessWidth": 640, 
            "ProcessHeight": 480
        "Exposure": {
            "ToUse": false
    "StaticModuleLoader": [], 
    "OpenNIModule": {
        "FileRecord": ""
    "Orientation": {
        "GlobalUp": {}, 
        "TPose": {}
    "RegressionSkeletonization": {
        "Orientation": {
            "Dummy": {}
        "CNN_RGB": {}, 
        "Filter": {
            "CombinationFilter": [
                    "ThreshHold": {
                        "MaxDisplacement": 200, 
                        "SmoothCameraJointVelocity": false, 
                        "MinDisplacement": 15
                    "FABRIK": {
                        "PalmsAlignment": true, 
                        "FixedHeight": 1700, 
                        "HeightAlgorithm": "old", 
                        "SkeletonFile": "FABRIKSkeleton.xml"
                    "Confidence": {
                        "ConfidenceThreshold": 0.5, 
                        "CorrectHandsConfidence": true
        "CNN_RGB_Depth": {
            "Threshold": 0.3
        "PoseOptimization": {
            "OptimizationParams": {
                "RegressionClouds": {
                    "EMOptimizer": {
                        "Tolerance": 0.005, 
                        "Iterations": 1
                    "Solver": {
                        "max_num_iteration": 20, 
                        "function_tolerance": 0.008, 
                        "gradient_tolerance": 1e-06, 
                        "parameter_tolerance": 0.0008
            "Terms": {
                "DepthEnergyFunction": {
                    "Enable": false, 
                    "Iterations": {
                        "To": 2, 
                        "From": 1
                    "Weight": 1000
                "IntersectionEnergyFunction": {
                    "Enable": false, 
                    "Iterations": {
                        "To": 4, 
                        "From": 2
                    "Weight": 5000
                "WeightsEnergyFunction": {
                    "Enable": false, 
                    "Iterations": {
                        "To": 4, 
                        "From": 0
                    "Weight": 1.0
                "FieldEnergyFunction": {
                    "Enable": false, 
                    "Iterations": {
                        "To": 4, 
                        "From": 2
                    "Weight": 1
                "DepthConsistencyEnergyFunction": {
                    "Enable": false, 
                    "Iterations": {
                        "To": 4, 
                        "From": 2
                    "Weight": 5000
                "EnergyFunction": {
                    "Enable": true, 
                    "Iterations": {
                        "To": 1, 
                        "From": 0
                    "Weight": 1.0
            "SkeletonFile": "poseoptimization/skeleton.xml"
        "Type": "Regression", 
        "Regression": {
            "Stat": "trees_stat", 
            "Scale": 0.5, 
            "MaxHeightScale": 1.4, 
            "UseGPU": false, 
            "MinHeightScale": 0.85, 
            "Tree": "trees.bin", 
            "StatBase": "regStat", 
            "ClassesCount": 32, 
            "Bodyparts": "bodyparts.xml", 
            "TreeNormCoef": 4000, 
            "MeanHeight": 1700, 
            "NormCoef": 4000, 
            "PredictType": "base"
    "LicenseFile": "../license.json", 
    "Reidentification": {
        "ToUse": false
    "DefaultModules": {
        "DepthProvider": "DepthProviderManager"
    "FusionDebugModule": {
        "ToUse": false

Hello @vadim.bazhin, sadly the config you provided did not solve it, I still get the same crash/error.

Hi @PhilipOryx,

Which sensor are you using? Do you have this crash only in your application or also in nuitrack_sample.exe? Could you please reinstall Nuitrack and test again, does this solve your problem?

Hi @vadim.bazhin we are using sensor Intel RealSense D435.
We just tired it with the nuitrack_sample.exe and it crashes with Exit Code:1, when we check box AI: Skeletal Tracking.. We have also reinstall Nuitrack multiple times.

Hi @PhilipOryx,

This problem does not reproduce on our side with Nuitrack 0.36.9 and Intel Realsense D435 and with both of the above config files.

Is the AnyDesk session an option for you? There we can investigate and try to fix it.
Looking forward to your response.

Hi, yes that could be an option for us, when can we scheduled it? We are in Sweden so any time between 8am-5pm CET could works for us next week.

Is Monday at 2pm CET convenient for you?
You can send your AnyDesk ID to my email ( at the appointed time.

Hello, sorry i think I am blocked that time does the same time on Tuesday work?

Yes, the same time on Tuesday is ok for us.

Hi @PhilipOryx,

Sorry for a delayed reply.

Could you please check if you have the same problem in the nuitrack_device_api_sample application?
Please also try this version of Nuitrack, will it solve your problem?

Looking forward to your response

Hello @vadim.bazhin.

Sadly the version of Nuitrack you linked did not fix the problem, we still get the same error.
where the the warnings before bad err=45 in Xbyak::Error is when when we start the Nuitrack example program.

WARNING: Cannot load library module: /usr/etc/nuitrack/middleware/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 201, resource id: 6292067, major code: 20 (GetProperty), minor code: 0
WARNING: Cannot load library module: /usr/etc/nuitrack/middleware/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
bad err=45 in Xbyak::Error
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

though nuitrack_device_api_sample does not crash with either of the versions.

The device is already activated! Do you want to reactivate it? [y/n] n
Do you want to run Nuitrack with the selected device? [y/n] y

Available depth video modes:
 Index | Width | Height | FPS
     0 |  1280 |    720 |  30
     1 |  1280 |    720 |  15
     2 |  1280 |    720 |   6
     3 |   848 |    480 |  90
     4 |   848 |    480 |  60
     5 |   848 |    480 |  30
     6 |   848 |    480 |  15
     7 |   848 |    480 |   6
     8 |   848 |    100 | 300
     9 |   848 |    100 | 100
    10 |   640 |    480 |  90
    11 |   640 |    480 |  60
    12 |   640 |    480 |  30
    13 |   640 |    480 |  15
    14 |   640 |    480 |   6
    15 |   640 |    360 |  90
    16 |   640 |    360 |  60
    17 |   640 |    360 |  30
    18 |   640 |    360 |  15
    19 |   640 |    360 |   6
    20 |   480 |    270 |  90
    21 |   480 |    270 |  60
    22 |   480 |    270 |  30
    23 |   480 |    270 |  15
    24 |   480 |    270 |   6
    25 |   424 |    240 |  90
    26 |   424 |    240 |  60
    27 |   424 |    240 |  30
    28 |   424 |    240 |  15
    29 |   424 |    240 |   6
    30 |   256 |    144 | 300
    31 |   256 |    144 |  90
(WARNING: not all video modes are supported)

Select depth video mode. Enter an index from the list (or leave empty for default settings): 0

Available color video modes:
 Index | Width | Height | FPS
     0 |  1920 |   1080 |  30
     1 |  1920 |   1080 |  15
     2 |  1920 |   1080 |   6
     3 |  1280 |    720 |  30
     4 |  1280 |    720 |  15
     5 |  1280 |    720 |   6
     6 |   960 |    540 |  60
     7 |   960 |    540 |  30
     8 |   960 |    540 |  15
     9 |   960 |    540 |   6
    10 |   848 |    480 |  60
    11 |   848 |    480 |  30
    12 |   848 |    480 |  15
    13 |   848 |    480 |   6
    14 |   640 |    480 |  60
    15 |   640 |    480 |  30
    16 |   640 |    480 |  15
    17 |   640 |    480 |   6
    18 |   640 |    360 |  60
    19 |   640 |    360 |  30
    20 |   640 |    360 |  15
    21 |   640 |    360 |   6
    22 |   424 |    240 |  60
    23 |   424 |    240 |  30
    24 |   424 |    240 |  15
    25 |   424 |    240 |   6
    26 |   320 |    240 |  60
    27 |   320 |    240 |  30
    28 |   320 |    240 |   6
    29 |   320 |    180 |  60
    30 |   320 |    180 |  30
    31 |   320 |    180 |   6
(WARNING: not all video modes are supported)

Select color video mode. Enter an index from the list (or leave empty for default settings): 0
Color frame [1703063847247585]: 1920 x 1080
Depth frame [1703063847257296]: 1280 x 720
Color frame [1703063847280894]: 1920 x 1080
Depth frame [1703063847290582]: 1280 x 720
Color frame [1703063847314203]: 1920 x 1080
Depth frame [1703063847323868]: 1280 x 720
Color frame [1703063847347701]: 1920 x 1080
Depth frame [1703063847357400]: 1280 x 720
Color frame [1703063847381203]: 1920 x 1080
Depth frame [1703063847390881]: 1280 x 720
Color frame [1703063847414709]: 1920 x 1080
Depth frame [1703063847424366]: 1280 x 720
Color frame [1703063847448143]: 1920 x 1080
Depth frame [1703063847457757]: 1280 x 720
Color frame [1703063847481580]: 1920 x 1080
Depth frame [1703063847491171]: 1280 x 720
Color frame [1703063847515018]: 1920 x 1080
Depth frame [1703063847524588]: 1280 x 720
Color frame [1703063847548410]: 1920 x 1080```

The problem was the compatibility of OpenVino with AMD Ryzen CPU’s (series 7000/8000). Solved in Nuitrack version 0.37.14 and later