Nuitrack's skeleton tracking gets slower over time in Unity

nuitrack’s skeleton tracking gets slower over time in Unity

As the title suggests, skeleton tracking slows down as time goes by.

When I turn Unity off and back on, it returns to the best responsiveness, and then it gets slower as time goes on again.

As with the build, the skeleton tracking becomes slower and slower, and when the program is turned off and on again, it returns to the best responsiveness and gradually becomes slower as time goes on.

As of github, nuitrack version used 0.35.6 and unity packge used 0.35.3
Also tested on RGBandSkeletons scene during nuitrack unity sdk tutorial (Replaced ColorFrame with RGBToTexture)

Do you have any workaround for this?

i got the same problem, looking for solution too!

Could you test your problem without RGBToTexture (skeleton only)?

Waiting for your reply.

For me, i only set “skeletonTrackerModuleOn” True , still get the same problem

Sorry I saw it late because I was busy

I tested with “Skeleton Only” and the result was the same

And I learned something new
Nuitrack slowly slows down even in non-unity environments (depending on computer performance)

Even if you turn on “nuitrack_sample.exe” which exists in “C:\Program Files\Nuitrack\nuitrack\nuitrack\bin”, Nuitrack will gradually slow down

Hello. How long does it take for you to see a significant slowdown?
Is only skeleton slowing down or color / depth rendering too?
And which sensor are you using?

The speed at which it slows down seems to depend on the performance of your computer.
In my case, after 40 minutes, it felt slow.
And only the skeleton was slowed down.

I tested on my PC (Win 10, nuitrack 0.35.6, sensor Orbbec Astra). After 3 hours, skeleton doesn’t gets slower
Tell me which sensor, windows version and computer configuration you have

We are using realsense D435i and Windows 10pro (64bit).

The computer configuration is as follows.
CPU: Intel core i5-10400
Ram: 16G
Graphic Card: Geforce RTX 2060

Next week, I will take a video of the skeleton slowing down and post a reply.

Also, next week, I will tell you in detail about the experimental results on two computers with two specifications and the version of the Nue Track used.

Please wait

I tested it on this sensor for over an 3 hours, but there was no slowdown.
I also noticed that the sensor is very hot. Perhaps this happens due to overheating.
Is it possible to check on another sensor or try to additionally cool this one during use?

Hello @tkdals5402

Next week, I will take a video of the skeleton slowing down and post a reply.

Did you manage to record the video?

I took a video, but it was erased when I formatted my computer

We currently use orbbac’s products and the problem has been solved

The problem seems to appear in realsenceD435i

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@manken Do you have this problem on the realsense D435i too?