Object Look at user (UNITY)

Hello there,
I am playing around with Nuitrack in Unity and it’s awesome!
I get all commands about picking positions of joints. But I need “real” head position to point object to look at user face. So it seems like he know where is my face and look direct at my face.


Hi! Getting a real head position is very easy!

 void Update()
    if(NuitrackManager.Users.Current != null && NuitrackManager.Users.Current.Skeleton != null)
        UserData user = NuitrackManager.Users.Current;
        UserData.SkeletonData.Joint headJoint = user.Skeleton.GetJoint(nuitrack.JointType.Head);

        Debug.Log(headJoint.Position); // in meters

It can be made even easier! Inherit your script from TrackedUser, and redefine the Process method. Take a look at the inspector and you will see that you can easily set up tracking of the current user or user by the specified ID

using UnityEngine;
using NuitrackSDK;

public class UserHead : TrackedUser
    protected override void Process(UserData userData)
        if(userData.Skeleton != null)
            UserData.SkeletonData.Joint headJoint = userData.Skeleton.GetJoint(nuitrack.JointType.Head);
            Debug.Log(headJoint.Position); // in meters

You can also look at userData.Face. Good luck!