Since a while I’m a happy user of Nuitrack but today I got a lot of questionsmarks.
I have here an “Orbbec Astra 2” and a “Orbbec Astra Pro”
OA_Pro no Problem
OA_2 many Problems in Classical Pose Estimation and AI
I think the Depth-Information must be enough and the results of OA_Pro are good - so I want to focus on “Classical Pose Estimation” - The AI Problems are another chapter, now only - RegressionSkeletonization
I tried to change something in “nuitrack.config” or in “OrbbecSDKConfig_v1.0.xml”
too many parameters - I got lost
it seems ok when I’m close to 1.5m to the sensor - behind flickering and frontal body always lost - it often comes back when it sees me from side but then again gone when I tilt
when I’m 3m away and I enter from the side - the skeleton appers but as closer I come to the center gone - when I tilt my body to the side back again - front gone
Also tried with “nuitrack_device_api_sample.exe” 640x480 both - skeleton only detected from side not from front - CRAZY
I was always thinking there is an issue with the DepthInformation but 640x480 is like OA_Pro
these are all Problems with OA_2 - with OA_Pro all fine
just write if there is more info for clarification needed
is the solution hidden in “nuitrack.config” or in “OrbbecSDKConfig_v1.0.xml”?
or is because of Beta implementation of OrbbecSDKDepthProvider?
OA_Pro uses the OpenNi2DepthProvider
Nuitrack 0.37.14
Orbbec (SensorDriver_V4.3.0.20)