Realsense2DepthProvider error

Dear community,

I am trying to work with Nuitrack but feeding a *.bag-file wouldn’t work - it fails with
Create DepthProvider: Realsense2DepthProvider
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘tdv::nuitrack::TerminateException’
what(): Realsense2DepthProvider: ():
Could not find requested sensor type!

What are the correct settings for Intel RealSense Viewer to record a valid *.bag-file for Nuitrack?
I’ve spent loads of time without any positive outcome.
I would appreciate any help very much!


I’ve also tried *.oni file but alas - no result again. It seems to me that I’ve found the root of the problem - it’s driver incompatibility. When Nuitrack is setting up, it creates realsense2.dll in its home directory. I’ve downloaded the latest SDK from Intel and it also has its own dll. When replacing this new one with the one shipped by Nuitrack nothing at all works - it simply cannot load the dll into the control loop!

Nuitrack can play .bag files. This function is not officially supported and used as a debugging tool. In addition, you can use it only with a trial license, which is limited to three minutes. To record a .bag file, use the official RealsenseViewer utility (recommended version is 2.20). In order to play a .bag file in Nuitrack, you need to:

  • Activate the trial license;
  • Open nuitrack.config and specify the path to a .bag file in the Realsense2Module.FileRecord field.

Looking forward to your response.

its good news) I spend 2 days for make .oni file. Was troubles with NiViewer.
Now i make .bag file. and try to use with unity(sample projects). When i start play/preview project unity crashed without any message. Have some thinks?

When use .bag file, i get error
> C:\work\InteractiveDisplays\nuitrack_csharp_sample>nuitrack_csharp_sample.exe
> SETUP - COM already setup - threaded VI might not be possible
> Create DepthProvider: Realsense2DepthProvider
> terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘tdv::nuitrack::TerminateException’
> what(): Realsense2DepthProvider: ():
> Could not find requested sensor type!
> terminate called recursively

This section in config set .bag file

Can you explain how we can use .bag file with trial nuitrack. It gives an error

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Which version of Nuitrack do you use?
Which version of RealsenseViewer did you use to record the .bag file? What sensor was used?
Does this error occur in other samples (e.g. %NUITRACK_HOME%\bin\nuitrack_sample)?

Which version of Nuitrack do you use?
i use 0.29.0 version
Which version of RealsenseViewer did you use to record the .bag file? What sensor was used?
RealsenseViewer was 2.34.0 and device RS D415
Does this error occur in other samples (e.g. %NUITRACK_HOME%\bin\nuitrack_sample )?
This sample gives next message
C:\Program Files\Nuitrack\nuitrack\nuitrack\bin>nuitrack_sample.exe Create DepthProvider: Realsense2DepthProvider terminate called after throwing an instance of 'tdv::nuitrack::TerminateException' what(): Realsense2DepthProvider: (): Could not find requested sensor type!

Sorry for the issues you’ve encountered.

You can use Nuitrack with recorded files only with RealSense SDK not higher than v2.25.0