[SOLVED] How to activate nuitrack license by given sensor serial number and license key string, in command line?

As title stated, we need a solution that without UI, (command line only), to activate nuitrack license. And at the time point license is activated, the hardware camera will not be present on that machine, but we already have the serial number of that camera (depth sensor).

I read the documentation and found out nuitrack_device_api_sample can help me, but there are still questions:

  • How to do it without “interactive command” ?
  • How to activate it without camera connected to the machine, but given camera’s serial number?

Hi @dongyiCai_retrobrain,

How to activate it without camera connected to the machine, but given camera’s serial number?

The license cannot be activated without a sensor.

How to do it without “interactive command” ?

If I understand correctly, you can change nuitrack_device_api_sample to activate automatically, but be careful. Nuitrack PRO/AI Perpetual licenses cannot be transferred from one sensor to another.

Hi @dongyiCai_retrobrain

Has your issue been solved? Do you have any other questions that I can help you with?

​Looking forward to your response.

Sorry I didn’t follow up this initial question. This issue is solved but another issue has popped up and hasn’t been solved. We’ll keep following that ticket from now on. This one can be closed.