Ubuntu 18.04 - Unity

Hello! as commentary I was setting up an Intel 435 using the SDK and Unity, I had done this before in Windows, so as experience the camera must be update with the last firmware or it will not be recognized in Unity.

Also I attached the steps to run it:

  1. Follow all the steps listed in Intel Ubuntu

  2. Check if the intel SDK is installed correctly running realsense-viewer in a terminal, you must get this:

  1. Then follow the steps provided by Nuitrack for Linux Ubuntu

  2. Open Unity and import the Nuitrack package from the Asset Store

  3. Run an example:

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Thanks for the post. How did you install Unity in Ubuntu? Could you please provide some links?

Here are the links to download the installer of Unity

Thanks. found it and also the ways to install using terminal. Do you mind telling something more relating to unity that may help a beginner to move forward? Links and posts are welcome irrespective of platform( Android, Ubuntu, Windows).
