You have to enable RGB stream for Astra Pro. To do this, set “CameraID” option in the nuitrack.config file (usually it’s 0, but if it doesn’t work, try 1, 2, …).
Hi, OIga … as you suggested i tried with different camera ids still same. and one more thing the default value was -1 for me. I am not sure why it was like that. Is there any other solution ?
For cameraid -1, 1, 2, 3 worked same way, Depth camera got worked when tried to switch (to rgb) it freezes. and for 0 cameraID black screen came no preview.
Hello, i had the same issue, I followed Olga’s recommendation, more precisely:
1 - Change the CameraID” value option in the nuitrack.config was -1 (default) to 0.
2 - Change the AStra Pro camera from USB3.0 to USB2.0 port.
It works for me.