Unity not able to load nuitrack.dll Win 10, RealSense 415

Intel Real Sense 415 sensor used
Win 10, x64
All installed according the installation instructions.

I am getting following error in Unity when I try to run the samples:
DllNotFoundException: libnuitrack
nuitrack.NativeNuitrack.Init (System.String config)
nuitrack.Nuitrack.Init (System.String config, NuitrackMode mode)
NuitrackManager.NuitrackInit () (at Assets/NuitrackSDK/Nuitrack/NuitrackManager.cs:213)
NuitrackManager.Awake () (at Assets/NuitrackSDK/Nuitrack/NuitrackManager.cs:112)

The path is as far as I know correctly set:
NUITRACK_HOME M:\SDK\nuitrack\nuitrack-win32\nuitrack

Other issues:

  1. NiViewer not functional

  2. nuitrack_c11_sample.exe works without RGB image and gives following errors:

Start nuitrack c11
ERROR: AstraProPerseeDepthProvider can’t create RGB Stream (VideoCapture device ID is not valid)
DepthProviderManager: AstraProPerseeDepthProvider can’t create RGB Stream (VideoCapture device ID is not valid)
Can’t find video camera!
Can’t find Depth camera!
ERROR: Couldn’t open device ( DeviceOpen using default: no devices found
DepthProviderManager: Couldn’t open device ( DeviceOpen using default: no devices found
ERROR: Can not create OpenNI depth generator (OpenNI Status: Can’t create any node of the requested type!)
DepthProviderManager: Can not create OpenNI depth generator (OpenNI Status: Can’t create any node of the requested type!)
Create DepthProvider: Realsense2DepthProvider

Hi Michal,

Please check dll import settings in Unity:
Assets/NuitrackSDK/Nuitrack/NuitrackAssembly/nuitrack.net.dll > set Any Platform check.

As for other issues:

  1. NiViewer doesn’t work with RealSense sensors
  2. These error messages are actually warnings and displayed for diagnostic purposes only. If you see the message “Create DepthProvider: Realsense2DepthProvider” it means that everything works fine.

By the way, we’ve just updated Nuitrack SDK. You can download the new version and check nuitrack_sample.exe (depth and RGB images are displayed, you can change the mode by left-mouse click).

I had checked the Unity .dll setup is Any Platform.
The new SDK generates identical issue as described.
No glue found in any disusion on this forum - I had read everything :-(.

Please advise what Unity version do you use?
Also please send us screenshots of the section “Player Settings/Other Settings”.


Required screenshots including the crash are bellow.
Unity version (as visible form the images) is 2017.3.f3


I had moved somewhere.
I had put the /bin folder with the NuiTrack .dll to the PATH environmental variable…
I suggest to put it in the installation instructions as 2 points - it looks like only one variable need to be set …
So I now get following crash:

EntryPointNotFoundException: nuitrack_GetExceptionMessage
nuitrack.NativeDepthSensor…ctor ()
nuitrack.DepthSensor.Create ()
NuitrackManager.NuitrackInit () (at Assets/NuitrackSDK/Nuitrack/NuitrackManager.cs:222)
NuitrackManager.Awake () (at Assets/NuitrackSDK/Nuitrack/NuitrackManager.cs:117)

Hi Michal,

Do you use NuitrackSDK.unitypackage from our latest version of Nuitrack SDK (1.3.5)?
If yes, please update the Nuitrack runtime component as well (to 0.23.3):

  1. download https://github.com/3DiVi/nuitrack-sdk/tree/master/Platforms/nuitrack-windows-x64.exe
  2. replace the contents from the old archive with the contents from the new one
  3. check that environment variables are set correctly
  4. reboot

To check the Nuitrack runtime component version, run nuitrack\activation_tool\Nuitrack.exe. The version is displayed at the bottom of the window.

After the runtime update the new Unity samples started to work.
Thank you for the support …

I strongly suggest:

  1. Put the runtime inside the SDK to be 100% sure the developers run compatible version

  2. Do not force installation of OpenNI for Intel Real Sense when it is not used at all

  3. make an SDK/runtime instalator - setting the paths e.t.c to avoid all confusion

  4. put in the SDK project files for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015/17 to avoid the project generation mess

Hi Michal,

Thank you for your feedback, we will take into consideration your suggestions.