Unity Vs Unreal use cases (Multisensor support or Hollisitc tracking)

Hey guys, I’m trying to decide between the Unity and Unreal plugins for Nuitrack, specifically for two scenarios: reading multiple sensors vs holistic tracking.

We’re testing both in Unity and Unreal to see if we can retrieve data from multiple sensors (Femto Orbbec Bolt) and choose the best option for our needs. I know Unreal lacks holistic sensor tracking, but is there a way to read data from multiple sensors for separate body tracking (not necessarily holistic), or does Unreal support only one sensor at a time? Also, if we choose Unity and don’t need holistic tracking, can we still get data from multiple sensors simultaneously—and will that slow things down in the long run?

Hello @Gomathi92
At the moment, Unreal supports only one sensor. Unity is more developed in this regard. You can watch the Multisensor sample.

Thanks @Stepan.Reuk, that’s helpful to know. I have one more question: does Nuitrack support forcing a wide FOV for Femto Bolt cameras? We require a wide FOV to track multiple users in the view, but Unreal Nuitrack is forcing the Femto Bolt into a narrow FOV. We know the Bolt camera supports a wide FOV since we tested it outside of Unreal, Unity, and Nuitrack using Orbbec/K4Viewer. Is there any configuration we need to edit to force Nuitrack?