We are experiencing a license error while applying Nuitrack to Unreal 5.4. The issue is that we have already purchased the license and activated the device using the licensing tool. We have tried both Nuitrack version 0.37.24 and version 0.37.22, and we are using Unreal Engine 5.4.
Thank you. Have a great day.
- also tried UE 5.3.2, 5.2.1, same issue.
- we have purchased perpetual lisence.
Hello @gaaather
For the Unreal plugin to work, you need an AI Online subscription license https://nuitrack.com/#pricing
Also i hasten to inform you that we are currently holding a promotion and you can purchase a subscription license at a discount
“Get a 10% discount until the end of July using the promo code “UE2407” (at Nuitrack licensing dashboard).”
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Thank you for your reply. 
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I am trying several interesting things with Nuitrack. Thank you.
Is there any way to integrate the Unreal Engine plugin with my existing Perpetual AI license? This is because there is a high possibility that the upcoming event will not provide an internet connection.
No. Currently, the Unreal plugin is provided to work only under such a license
So, if I have a Perpetual license, it won’t work with unreal engine 5.4, right?
Do I have to use a subscription license? Sorry, because i’m biginner i don’t understand
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Hello @sakkarin
Yes, you understand everything correctly.
Unreal Engine plugin only works with Online AI subscription (PROMOCODE)