Unreal virtual dresser


We are trying to set up a virtual dresser in Unreal, we tried the sample in Unity and it’s working easily but we have a lot of trouble trying to get the same results in Unreal.

We tried also with Aymu utility plugin but we can’t manage to have a proper overlay between the person on the video texture and the mannequin whether in term of location or in terms of scale.

We managed thanks to Ayumu utility plugin to get the RGB texture that we applied on a static mesh and change the static mesh scale so that the video can fit the screen like this : NuitrackCameraScale posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

Would you have any advice on how to achieve a similar result as your Unity virtual dresser in Unreal ?

Thanks in advance.

Hello @jdg
It will be difficult to tell by UE, but let’s try.
Does the FOV of your camera on the scene match the FOV of the sensor?


Thank you for your answer.

The camera FOV is set to 75 as you can see here : NuitrackCameraScale posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

I based it on that : Azure Kinect DK hardware specifications | Microsoft Learn

@jdg hm… everything seems to be correct. If you have not succeeded yet, you can send your project or a minimally reproducible example, we will try to suggest

We’re closing this post now, please feel free to create a new in case of questions / issues.