Using Unity Nuitrack on Android phones

Using Unity Nuitrack on Android phonesUsing Unity Nuitrack on Android phones.

Tvico checked the normal operation.
However, the camera connection from Android phone through USB OTG is not working well.

Using Nuitrack.apk, camera test is normal, but the basic sample through Unity does not seem to be working.

Please let me know if there is anything I need to check when connecting a camera through a USB OTG through a regular Android phone.

Hi! Please provide us with the information about your environment:

  1. Android version;
  2. Nuitrack version;
  3. Sensor model;
  4. Steps to reproduce the problem.

1.Android version; Samsung Galaxy 7 , Andorid 8.0
2.Nuitrack version; 0.30.0
3.Sensor model; Intel RealSense D435
4.Steps to reproduce the problem
- Nuitrack.apk CameraCheck OK
​ - Unity Nuitrack SDK CameraCheck Fail

​1. Sensor model; Orbec Astra Pro
2. Steps to reproduce the problem
- Nuitrack.apk CameraCheck Fail
- Unity Nuitrack SDK CameraCheck Fail

What sample do you mean by Unity Nuitrack SDK? Please provide us with the adb logcat output after running Compatibility test and Unity application.
Also, the problem with launching Android applications may be related to permissions: you have to add permission for Storage in app settings (App Info → Permissions)