Could Someone Guide me as I am facing Issues with Sensor Calibration in Nuitrack?

Hello there,

I have recently started working with Nuitrack for a project involving sensor based motion tracking; but I have encountered some difficulties with sensor calibration. Specifically; I am using Intel RealSense D435 and facing challenges in getting accurate calibration results.

Even after following the calibration procedure provided in the documentation; the tracking results seem inconsistent. Movements are sometimes misinterpreted or jittery.

I have tried both automatic and manual calibration methods; but neither seems to have provided the desired precision in motion tracking.

I have ensured that the environment is well lit and free from obstructions; as recommended. Although; I am still not achieving the level of accuracy I expected.

I have reviewed the documentation and forums but have; not found a solution that addresses my specific problem. Could anyone share their experiences or suggestions on how; to improve sensor calibration with Nuitrack? Perhaps there are additional steps or settings that I might be overlooking? :thinking:

Also, I have gone through this post; which definitely helped me out a lot.

Additionally; if anyone has worked with a similar sensor model and can provide insights into optimal settings or configurations within Nuitrack.

Thank you in advance for your help and assistance. :innocent: