ORBBEC Femto Bolt can provide RGB?

Hi there
Let me briefly summarize my pending issue.

  1. Currently We are using UNITY
  2. ORBBEC 3D Camera - Femto Bolt
  3. We can get Depth & RGB at the same time with ASTRA series
  4. Even though we are using the latest version of Nuitrack, we couldn’t get RGB with Femto Bolt
  5. If possible, any one can let me know Camera list which can be supported RGB

If super helpful, if any one can give us some information to resolve the issue :slight_smile:

  1. Even though we are using the latest version of Nuitrack, we couldn’t get RGB with Femto Bolt

Thank you for paying attention to this. We are already investigating this issue.
And thank you for providing a workaround.

  1. Run device manager
  2. Universal serial bus controller
  3. USB Composite Device (Orbbec Femto Bolt) - Remove the USB which is connected to Orbbec Femto Bolt
  4. After removing the USB, Re-connect Orbbec Femto Bolt camera
  5. Run Nuitrack Demo
  6. Check out the RGB operation
  1. If possible, any one can let me know Camera list which can be supported RGB

Hello, I am now testing an Orbbec Femto Bolt to improve tracking quality over a RealSense, and experiencing the same issue that the RGB camera is not loading.

Additionally, we hope to use the camera rotated 90 degrees via Windows camera settings.

@Stepan.Reuk any progress on the investigation?

Hi @AC_TK, we have a confirmed RGB sync issue (depth and rgb aren’t syncronized in time) with Femto Bolt on Windows, which is planned to be fixed in the coming release.

If testing in Nuitrack.exe, do you have an RGB channel completely missing or just out-of-sync ? What OS and Nuitrack version do you use currently ? We’ll look into it additionally.

I already have a solution to playback a delayed RGB camera feed to achieve sync with the depth camera, but an official sync would be great too!

In the Nuitrack.exe demo, I click for RGB and the screen is black. The RGB camera does work in the Orbbec viewer and as a regular webcam on video calls.

I am on Windows 11 Insider (for multi-app camera support) with Nuitrack 0.37.24 @TAG

@AC_TK @mirrorroid


Are there any more such problems in the new version?

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